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Medisan ; 24(4)jul.-ago. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1125139


Introducción: El dengue es una infección viral endémica reemergente de notable preponderancia por su morbilidad y mortalidad, cuya incidencia se ha multiplicado en las últimos tiempos a nivel internacional. Objetivos: Caracterizar a pacientes con dengue según la clasificación revisada de la Organización Mundial de la Salud y determinar la correspondencia entre esta y la clasificación tradicional respecto a la gravedad de los casos. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal en el Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kourí de La Habana durante el 2012, en el que se revisaron 247 historias clínicas seleccionadas por muestreo aleatorio estratificado. Resultados: En la casuística predominaron el dengue con signos de alarma, el grupo etario de 40-59 años, el sexo femenino y el síndrome de choque por dengue como principal forma clínica de gravedad. La fiebre estuvo presente en todos los afectados; también sobresalieron la cefalea, la astenia, las artromialgias, la exantema y el dolor retroocular. La leucopenia y la trombocitopenia constituyeron hallazgos muy frecuentes, al igual que la citólisis hepática; en tanto, las manifestaciones digestivas y hemorrágicas, entre otras, se asociaron significativamente con el desarrollo de dengue grave. Conclusiones: Se evidenció que utilizando la clasificación tradicional se hubiesen dejado de identificar y tratar adecuadamente a pacientes con dengue grave y dengue con signos de alarma, al catalogarse la mayoría de estos como fiebre del dengue, subestimando así la gravedad clínica de dichos casos.

Introduction: Dengue is a viral endemic reemerging infection of remarkable preponderance for its morbidity and mortality whose incidence has multiplied in the last times at international level. Objectives: To characterize patients with dengue according to the classification reviewed by the Health World Organization and to determine the correspondence between this and the traditional classification regarding the seriousness of the cases. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out at Pedro Kourí Tropical Medicine Institute in Havana during 2012, in which 247 medical records were reviewed selected by stratified random sampling. Results: In the case material there was a prevalence of dengue with alarm signs, 40-59 age group, female sex and the shock syndrome due to dengue as the main clinic form of seriousness. The fever was present in all those affected; migraine, asthenia, artromialgias, exanthema and retroocular pain were also outstanding. The leukopenia and thrombocytopenia constituted very frequent findings, the same as hepatic cytolysis; as long as, the digestive and hemorrhagic manifestations, among others, were significantly associated with the development of serious dengue. Conclusions: It was evidenced that using the traditional classification the identification and appropriate treatment to patients with serious dengue and dengue with alarm signs would not be possible, when being classified most of these as fever of the dengue, underestimating this way the clinical seriousness of these cases.

Aedes , Dengue/epidemiology , Arbovirus Infections , Tertiary Healthcare
Medisan ; 22(8)set.-oct. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-976154


Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal en el Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kourí de La Habana, donde estuvieron ingresados 485 pacientes desde enero hasta diciembre de 2012 con diagnóstico de infección por dengue, de los cuales se escogió una muestra de 247. Entre los signos de alarma más comunes sobresalieron la cifra ascendente del hematocrito (54,6 por ciento y el dolor abdominal intenso o mantenido o de ambos tipos (46,1 por ciento . Las señales de alarma aparecieron por lo general al ceder la fiebre; del total de pacientes que las presentaron en algún momento de su evolución, 81,2 por ciento fueron tratados con hidratación intravenosa precoz y ninguno evolucionó hacia la forma grave de la enfermedad. La terapia hidratante parenteral se inició tardíamente en 18,8 por ciento de los afectados, incluidos todos aquellos en estado grave.

An observational, descriptive and cross sectional study was carried out in Pedro Kourí Tropical Medicine Institute from Havana, where 485 patients were admitted from January to December, 2012 with diagnosis of infection due to dengue fever, from whom a sample of 247 was chosen. Among the most common warning signs there were the increasing values of hematocrit (54.6 percent), and the intense or sustained abdominal pain or both types (46.1 percent). The warning signs generally appeared when fever ceased, and of the total of patients that presented it, 81.2 percent at some moment of their clinical course were treated with early intravenous hydration, and none developed the serious form of the disease. The parenteral hydration therapy began belatedly in 18.8 percent of the affected, including all those in severe state.

Humans , Male , Female , Dengue/epidemiology , Dengue Virus , Clinical Alarms , Communicable Diseases, Emerging/epidemiology , Organism Hydration Status/immunology
Rev. patol. trop ; 43(2): 151-162, 2014. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-737526


About two thousand cases of pertussis are reported in Brazil each year, with the highest incidence and mortality rates occurring in children under one year old. The disease is becoming common in Brazil; however the state of Rio de Janeiro has been showing low reporting figures in relation to other states in the Southeast region. This research work aimed to evaluate the difficulties faced by medical teams when confirming suspect cases of pertussis in healthcare units throughout the state of Rio de Janeiro and to use available data to confirm pertussis diagnosis within the last two years. Epidemiological surveys were conducted among medical personnel from healthcare units who presented the main obstacles to confirming suspect cases. Results show that a lack of laboratory diagnosis, poor differential diagnosis, low knowledge of the disease and a lack of clinical experience are, among other factors, relevant to the low reporting rates in the region...

Cerca de dois mil casos de coqueluche são relatados no Brasil a cada ano. Crianças com menos de 1 ano de idade pertencem ao grupo com maiores taxas de incidência e letalidade. Apesar de a doença estar se tornando cada vez mais frequente no Brasil, o estado do Rio de Janeiro vem apresentando baixos índices de informação comparativamente a outros estados da Região Sudeste. Portanto, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar tanto as dificuldades enfrentadas pelas equipes médicas ao confirmar casos suspeitos de coqueluche em unidades de saúde em todo o estado do Rio de Janeiro quanto a disponibilidade de dados para confirmar o diagnóstico da coqueluche nos últimos dois anos. O levantamento epidemiológico foi realizado entre o pessoal médico de unidades de saúde que apresentaram dificuldades para a confirmação de casos suspeitos. Os resultados indicaram alguns fatores relevantes para as baixas taxas de notificação na região: falta de diagnóstico laboratorial, inconsistência do diagnóstico diferencial, escassez de conhecimento sobre a doença e falta de experiência clínica...

Humans , Child , Whooping Cough/diagnosis , Whooping Cough/epidemiology , Whooping Cough/transmission , Public Health , Recurrence